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The Military to Stop Testing for Marijuana? – Just Like Amazon, the Military May Stop Testing for Cannabis



The US Military may thrown in the towel on weed testing if Congressman Matt Gaetz has his way

If you can’t beat them, join them!  Just like major companies like Amazon that did away with marijuana testing in order to get more eligible employees, the US military may drop marijuana testing for soliders as it tries to get more recruits to sign up.

Congressman Matt Gaetz has taken a ground-breaking move by creating a bold idea that might completely alter how the military handles drug use. The divisive lawmaker recently introduced a bill to do away with mandatory cannabis testing for service members. Gaetz’s plan upends the long-standing custom of strict drug laws within the military, igniting a passionate discussion on the intersection of individual liberties, medical advantages, and national security concerns.

The United States Armed Forces have a strict zero-tolerance policy on using illegal drugs, including marijuana, and have done so for many years. This strict approach guarantees the readiness, discipline, and well-being of the soldiers responsible for the country’s defence. However, the military’s adamant anti-marijuana policy is being criticised by increasing voices as national opinions against cannabis have changed.

Congressman Gaetz’s proposition arrives at a time when several states have legalised cannabis for either medical or recreational purposes, and a majority of Americans now support the concept of legalisation. His bill contends that subjecting service members to cannabis testing infringes upon personal liberties and disregards the shifting perceptions and advancements in medicine concerning this plant. Gaetz asserts that military personnel should not face repercussions for consuming a substance that is legal in their home state or prescribed by a healthcare professional.

The National Defense Authorization Act would further relax cannabis testing requirements for service personnel should the amendment become law. More and more recruits, particularly in places where marijuana is legal, are looking for cannabis’ advantages, whether for recreational, medical, or both. The New York Times reports that compared to 2020, over 33% more applicants tested positive in 2022. At the time of publication, adult-use cannabis was legal in 22 states and Washington, D.C., while medical marijuana was permitted in 38 states.

Cannabis Testing Inconsistencies and the Need for Change

The current approach to cannabis testing within the military has come under scrutiny due to its inconsistencies and the growing need for reform. The detection window for cannabis in urine, which can extend up to 30 days or more, creates a disparity compared to other substances. Cocaine and heroin, for example, are detectable for only a few days after use. This discrepancy raises concerns about fairness and questions the effectiveness of cannabis testing as a reliable indicator of an individual’s fitness for military service.

Critics claim that because cannabis remains in the body longer than many other drugs, cannabis testing primarily affects people who have used the substance recreationally or for medical reasons. This has spurred debates regarding the need for a more sophisticated and fact-based method of assessing someone’s preparedness for military service. The military must modify its regulations to reflect altering cultural perceptions and growing scientific knowledge about cannabis usage as marijuana legalisation spreads across the nation.

Efforts to address these concerns have gained traction, as evidenced by the recent proposal by Representative Matt Gaetz to end cannabis testing for military members. Gaetz’s stance reflects the broader conversation surrounding cannabis reform and the need for fair and equitable practices within military institutions. By advocating for an end to cannabis testing, Gaetz aims to eliminate the potential disqualification of individuals based solely on prior cannabis use and to promote a more inclusive recruitment approach.

While the proposal has generated debates and divergent opinions, it underscores the necessity of reassessing cannabis testing policies within the military. As public perception and legal frameworks around cannabis continue to evolve, there is a growing recognition that relying solely on cannabis testing may not accurately reflect an individual’s ability to fulfil their military duties. As discussions unfold, the military faces the challenge of balancing maintaining readiness and incorporating a more nuanced approach to cannabis use evaluation.

Gaetz’s Unlikely Stance and Broader Cannabis Reform

Representative Matt Gaetz’s proposal to end cannabis testing for military members represents a surprising position from a politician often associated with the far-right. Gaetz’s advocacy for cannabis reform in this context highlights the evolving attitudes toward marijuana use and the recognition of its potential medicinal benefits.

Despite his contentious character, Gaetz has strongly criticised the federal government’s historical misrepresentation of cannabis’s medical benefits. He feels that previous cannabis use should not automatically prohibit somebody from serving in the military. Gaetz’s plan is consistent with the growing bipartisan support for cannabis reform, indicating a broader movement in public opinion and a shift away from conservative attitudes on marijuana.

Gaetz’s proposal also aligns with other legislative initiatives seeking to reform cannabis policies. The amendment follows recent bipartisan efforts to change the federal government’s stance on marijuana, including allowing U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs doctors to recommend medical cannabis for patients in legal states. These endeavours reflect an increasing acknowledgement of the potential benefits of cannabis and a desire to adapt outdated policies to current societal norms.

While Gaetz’s unlikely stance on cannabis may surprise some, it underscores the complexity of the issue and the diverse perspectives surrounding marijuana use. As cannabis reform gains momentum across the country, there is a growing recognition that outdated policies may hinder progress and exclude individuals who could contribute to the armed forces.

The proposal’s future and potential impact on military recruitment and personnel policies remain uncertain. However, Gaetz’s stance and the broader push for cannabis reform in various contexts illustrate the shifting landscape and the need for a more comprehensive and equitable approach to cannabis use within military institutions.

Bottom Line

Congressman Matt Gaetz’s groundbreaking proposal to end cannabis testing for military members has sparked a passionate debate about the intersection of individual liberties, medical benefits, and national security concerns. The proposal reflects the shifting societal attitudes toward marijuana use and the need for cannabis reform within the armed forces. It challenges the long-standing zero-tolerance policy on drug use in the military and advocates for a more nuanced approach that considers changing perceptions and advancements in medical understanding. While the future of the proposal and its impact on military policies remains uncertain, it underscores the need to reassess cannabis testing practices and adapt them to align with evolving cultural norms and scientific knowledge. The broader movement for cannabis reform, supported by bipartisan efforts, further highlights the growing recognition of the potential benefits of cannabis and the desire to modernise outdated policies. As discussions unfold, it is crucial to balance maintaining military readiness and incorporating fair and equitable practices regarding cannabis use within military institutions.



New Mexico cannabis operator fined, loses license for alleged BioTrack fraud



New Mexico regulators fined a cannabis operator nearly $300,000 and revoked its license after the company allegedly created fake reports in the state’s traceability software.

The New Mexico Cannabis Control Division (CCD) accused marijuana manufacturer and retailer Golden Roots of 11 violations, according to Albuquerque Business First.

Golden Roots operates the The Cannabis Revolution Dispensary.

The majority of the violations are related to the Albuquerque company’s improper use of BioTrack, which has been New Mexico’s track-and-trace vendor since 2015.

The CCD alleges Golden Roots reported marijuana production only two months after it had received its vertically integrated license, according to Albuquerque Business First.

Because cannabis takes longer than two months to be cultivated, the CCD was suspicious of the report.

After inspecting the company’s premises, the CCD alleged Golden Roots reported cultivation, transportation and sales in BioTrack but wasn’t able to provide officers who inspected the site evidence that the operator was cultivating cannabis.

In April, the CCD revoked Golden Roots’ license and issued a $10,000 fine, according to the news outlet.

The company requested a hearing, which the regulator scheduled for Sept. 1.

At the hearing, the CCD testified that the company’s dried-cannabis weights in BioTrack were suspicious because they didn’t seem to accurately reflect how much weight marijuana loses as it dries.

Company employees also poorly accounted for why they were making adjustments in the system of up to 24 pounds of cannabis, making comments such as “bad” or “mistake” in the software, Albuquerque Business First reported.

Golden Roots was fined $298,972.05 – the amount regulators allege the company made selling products that weren’t properly accounted for in BioTrack.

The CCD has been cracking down on cannabis operators accused of selling products procured from out-of-state or not grown legally:

Golden Roots was the first alleged rulebreaker in New Mexico to be asked to pay a large fine.


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Marijuana companies suing US attorney general in federal prohibition challenge



Four marijuana companies, including a multistate operator, have filed a lawsuit against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in which they allege the federal MJ prohibition under the Controlled Substances Act is no longer constitutional.

According to the complaint, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts, retailer Canna Provisions, Treevit delivery service CEO Gyasi Sellers, cultivator Wiseacre Farm and MSO Verano Holdings Corp. are all harmed by “the federal government’s unconstitutional ban on cultivating, manufacturing, distributing, or possessing intrastate marijuana.”

Verano is headquartered in Chicago but has operations in Massachusetts; the other three operators are based in Massachusetts.

The lawsuit seeks a ruling that the “Controlled Substances Act is unconstitutional as applied to the intrastate cultivation, manufacture, possession, and distribution of marijuana pursuant to state law.”

The companies want the case to go before the U.S. Supreme Court.

They hired prominent law firm Boies Schiller Flexner to represent them.

The New York-based firm’s principal is David Boies, whose former clients include Microsoft, former presidential candidate Al Gore and Elizabeth Holmes’ disgraced startup Theranos.

Similar challenges to the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) have failed.

One such challenge led to a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2005.

In Gonzalez vs. Raich, the highest court in the United States ruled in a 6-3 decision that the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the power to outlaw marijuana federally, even though state laws allow the cultivation and sale of cannabis.

In the 18 years since that ruling, 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized adult-use marijuana and the federal government has allowed a multibillion-dollar cannabis industry to thrive.

Since both Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice, currently headed by Garland, have declined to intervene in state-licensed marijuana markets, the key facts that led to the Supreme Court’s 2005 ruling “no longer apply,” Boies said in a statement Thursday.

“The Supreme Court has since made clear that the federal government lacks the authority to regulate purely intrastate commerce,” Boies said.

“Moreover, the facts on which those precedents are based are no longer true.”

Verano President Darren Weiss said in a statement the company is “prepared to bring this case all the way to the Supreme Court in order to align federal law with how Congress has acted for years.”

While the Biden administration’s push to reschedule marijuana would help solve marijuana operators’ federal tax woes, neither rescheduling nor modest Congressional reforms such as the SAFER Banking Act “solve the fundamental issue,” Weiss added.

“The application of the CSA to lawful state-run cannabis business is an unconstitutional overreach on state sovereignty that has led to decades of harm, failed businesses, lost jobs, and unsafe working conditions.”


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Alabama to make another attempt Dec. 1 to award medical cannabis licenses



Alabama regulators are targeting Dec. 1 to award the first batch of medical cannabis business licenses after the agency’s first two attempts were scrapped because of scoring errors and litigation.

The first licenses will be awarded to individual cultivators, delivery providers, processors, dispensaries and state testing labs, according to the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC).

Then, on Dec. 12, the AMCC will award licenses for vertically integrated operations, a designation set primarily for multistate operators.

Licenses are expected to be handed out 28 days after they have been awarded, so MMJ production could begin in early January, according to the Alabama Daily News.

That means MMJ products could be available for patients around early March, an AMCC spokesperson told the media outlet.

Regulators initially awarded 21 business licenses in June, only to void them after applicants alleged inconsistencies with how the applications were scored.

Then, in August, the state awarded 24 different licenses – 19 went to June recipients – only to reverse themselves again and scratch those licenses after spurned applicants filed lawsuits.

A state judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by Chicago-based MSO Verano Holdings Corp., but another lawsuit is pending.


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