
Lose Track of Time When You Are High? – Figuring Out Time Perception While You Are Enjoying Cannabis



Exploring Marijuana’s Impact on Time Perception

The fact remains that at this point in time, nobody actually knows why our view of time is so heavily impacted by cannabis. Like most things about the effects of cannabis on the human body and mind, there are few explicit research studies. There is a possibility that it will remain this way for the nearest foreseeable future due to a basic cause, not until there is an end to the federal ban on marijuana. There are not many studies that are being funded that allow researchers to offer illicit drugs to people free of charge. This is regardless of the number of people that will turn up very quickly for research like that.

Some studies conducted provide an intriguing glimpse of the internal mechanics of our time measurement and how it is affected by cannabis. One such study measuring human time estimates has shown that this phenomenon is not just an anecdote. Researchers administered THC to students intravenously and then provided them with distracting tasks such as counting the number of letters B appearing in a random series of letters on the screen. The subjects were then asked to estimate how much time had gone by. The overwhelming majority of subjects estimated that more time had been spent than was actually recorded.

However, it was also found that overestimation effects of the time were not sharp in subjects who already smoked weed more frequently. It is clear that the overestimation of time occurs, but the reason for it remains unclear. A theory that is exhibiting some potential revolves around the region of the brain that controls wake and sleeps cycles, and your circadian rhythm, also known as the “internal clock.” This biological process is in control of when you wake up and when you go to bed, and also when you get hungry and a few more rudimentary functions. The circadian rhythm is located in a region of the brain named the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).


In research on circadian rhythm and the brains of mice, researchers found that the SCN neurons possess endocannabinoid receptors, where the THC’s molecular spaceship docks with your neurotransmitters’ spaceport. Researchers discovered that upon binding with the SCN neurons, THC causes the neurons to fire more often. Researchers put THC into a petri dish containing SCN neurons from the brains of mice. The neurons were made to act 50% more often than usual by the THC.

The researchers also speculate that THC results in the over-firing of the same neurons in humans. This would tamper with our circadian rhythm (internal clock), which is what leads to the shock when we look at an actual clock. Even as these findings are encouraging, there just isn’t enough information on marijuana’s impact on the brain to provide any meaningful solutions.


So, what causes heavy cannabis consumers to seem less affected by the overestimation effects of time? Could it be due to their SCN neurons getting used to the THC? Do they, therefore, stop overfire after continuous exposure? If this were to be the case, would a regular consumer of cannabis experience the same estimation of time issues if they took a tolerance pause from the herb?. Or is it just that frequent marijuana smokers get used to having to tell the time while they are stoned since it is fundamental to being a functional marijuana consumer in society?.

Of course, a few studies cannot encompass the experiences of every marijuana user. Some regular users claim that whenever they smoke marijuana, time seems to drag on. Others have even claimed that some tensions cause the hands of the clock to appear to be spinning faster than they actually are. Perhaps it has nothing to do with your clock-telling neurons at all. It’s conceivable that being high makes it simpler to daydream or concentrate on a single concept, fostering creativity and allowing your thoughts to take flight. Another possibility is that marijuana impacts your short-term memory, causing time to pass more quickly.


Whatever the real cause may be, if you notice you are having a hard time with timing after you have consumed marijuana, don’t stress about it. Embrace it and give thought to all what you can use those spare moments to do. It’ll just be like you are in the movie ‘Click’ and you’re Adam Sandler, only instead of having a magic remote control, you’re stoned, and there are no lessons on family at the end.

Just think of all the merits of making time slow and becoming lost in the moment. Make the movie a full-length film, or get caught up in that video game. Grab your partner and get ready for some sexy time. Play some soccer or Frisbee in the park with your fellas. Go for a walk by the waterfront. Alternately, relax and immerse yourself in that album you haven’t listened to in a while. Let the fun times flow.

Alternatively, if you think getting stressed out will make things faster, think of all that you would not want to spend time on. Why not skip the experience if you know it will be busy at the DMV, your college lecture will be boring, or you have been forced to attend a professional chess match? Researchers will certainly examine cannabis’ impact on time estimation if it is nationally allowed. This will most likely take place following the completion of studies on its favorable effects on PTSD, depression, anxiety, digestion, pain reduction, and a host of other health conditions (because we are not just junkies).


On the other hand, if you experience the loss of time associated with the influence of marijuana, just relish it as a part of the many merits of being high. Do not worry about it; it is nothing as serious as time warps, aliens, or other science fiction. It’s just what I’ll call the ‘Cannabis Effect’ or ‘Stoners Time,’ whichever is more catchy.


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