
How Does Marijuana Interact With Other Drugs?



Drug interactions occur when two or more compounds come into contact and have an effect. Because of its extensive effects, cannabis can cause a variety of interactions with drugs.

This article will give you a general idea of how marijuana interacts with some of the most common pharmaceutical drugs. Please note, however, that this article in no way constitutes medical advice regarding cannabis and drugs. 

Drug interactions can lead to fatal consequences. Please seek professional medical advice before taking cannabis and other pharmaceuticals.  

Antidepressants and Marijuana

Very little is known about the interactions between marijuana and antidepressants because so few studies have taken place. A big part of it is that we are all unique. You can give two people the same antidepressant and cannabis strain and get two completely different responses. In addition, each strain can contain completely different mixtures of cannabinoids and terpenes. It’s hard to say how any individual will react. 

There have been a few studies on the use of marijuana to treat depression, with mostly positive results. The benefit most people find is using marijuana as and when needed to treat episodes of depression. Since antidepressants are usually taken once a day, marijuana can be used as a booster.

Sedatives and Marijuana

Sedatives work by slowing down the mechanisms of the central nervous system, the same receptors that marijuana affects. Therefore, the use of cannabis can increase the sedative effect. In fact, some studies show that regular marijuana users often need more sedatives in the operating room. If you are taking a sedative and are considering using marijuana, be sure to start with low doses and very slowly in a comfortable environment.  You may like this article on how marijuana and alcohol affect the body.

Painkillers and Marijuana

The endocannabinoid system regulates our pain receptors, and cannabis targets the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which send messages to our opiate receptors. Because of this, cannabis can increase the effects of painkillers. This can be both desirable and very dangerous, depending on the person and the situation. 

Advantages of combining cannabis with painkillers:

Pain and anxiety can be relieved with lower doses.

Marijuana has a wide range of therapeutic effects that can mitigate some of the adverse side effects of prescription painkillers. By indirectly targeting overstimulated receptors, cannabis can be an effective treatment for opiate withdrawal.

Disadvantages of adding cannabis to painkillers:

In some cases, combining these drugs with marijuana can cause drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

Stimulants and Marijuana

Little research has been done on the interaction between marijuana and stimulants. As far as we can tell, these substances seem to work in concert with each other, with one counteracting the side effects of using the other. Stimulants are used to treat narcolepsy, ADD, and ADHD but can have side effects. These side effects include anxiety, agitation, and elevated blood pressure.

Marijuana relaxes the system but can cause fatigue and brain fog. Marijuana helps counteract the effects of stimulants, which reduce fatigue and brain fog. However, there are potential dangers. Each of these substances increases your heart rate. Using them together can amplify this effect and pose a severe cardiovascular risk. You may also like this article on how marijuana and coffee affect the body.

Blood Pressure and Marijuana

Marijuana causes vasodilation, a drop in blood pressure as veins open. This means that the heart has to work harder to pump blood, which causes the heart rate to increase and blood pressure to drop. 

Because of these effects, we can say marijuana can lower blood pressure (but remember, this is a generalization). Research shows that posture, cannabinoid levels, and physiology can all change our blood pressure. Until we get more data from human studies, be very cautious about taking marijuana and blood pressure medications together.

Marijuana and High Blood Pressure Medication

Marijuana can help lower high blood pressure, but it’s commonly used to treat some of the adverse side effects of these drugs. It should not be used in place of hypertension medication without proper supervision by a doctor.

Marijuana and Low Blood Pressure Medication:

Based on these effects, we can assume that cannabis use exacerbates low blood pressure — but the truth is we just don’t know. 

If you are taking medication for this condition, consult your doctor before trying marijuana.

There are infinite combinations that cause interaction, both positive and negative. Plants are no exception because herbs are potent, especially cannabis. If you take medication, you should be aware that it may interact with marijuana and know what to expect. Talk to your doctor to find out what interactions are likely and if that would be good or bad for your circumstances. 


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