
How Do You Hide Your Outdoor Cannabis Grow? (PRO TIPS)



How do you do a stealth outdoor cannabis grow?

The knowledge of stealth growing is something every outdoor cannabis grower needs to have.

If you’re based in a state with legal medical or recreational weed laws that permit self-cultivation, you have a limited number of cannabis plants to grow. Not to mention that weed is still generally illegal in most parts of the world. Some residents in these parts have perfected the art of growing weed without getting caught.

In a state with partial or no cannabis decriminalization laws, cannabis lovers opt to grow cannabis indoors as it is more discreet and gives the grower complete control over the plant’s growing condition. However, some try to grow theirs outdoors because they prefer the advantages of the outdoors to the indoor environment.

As indoor cannabis growing became popular, myths about how outdoor grows result in low-quality harvests began to circulate. The truth is that any cannabis cultivation can produce bad results if the growers are not diligent in their practices. Indoor grows could result in dazzling-looking buds, while outdoor grows could result in weeds with premium cannabinoids and terpene profiles. What truly matters is the cultivation practice employed by both growers.

The most crucial aspect of stealth growing is assessing the different factors that could give your operations away and immediately taking the correct steps to work around them.

Stealthy Outdoor Growing

As each day passes, the demand for organic products increases. Growing cannabis out in the sun with less human interference is advantageous. It gives the plant unrestricted access to the sun’s natural light, unlike indoor plants that rely on LED lights and other grow lights.

For example, the landrace cannabis strains have survived for thousands of years because of the unadulterated wavelength of light they receive from the sun. In all honesty, cannabis cultivated outdoors is exposed to extreme elements. They sometimes get damaged by pests, wind, and rain. However, no one can deny that if the crops are well-maintained, they can produce wondrous buds.

How to Avoid Attention

Privacy and discretion are essential, regardless of whether your proposed planting space is big or not. We understand not everyone has the choice of purchasing big farms; hence, we’ll include tips for those that have gardens and balconies.

The best ways to camouflage outdoor cannabis plants include:

Low-Stress Technique (LST)

This method involves tying the most prominent stems of seedlings or young plants to the side of your garden pots. This new position exposes the center of the plant to the soil, causing the plant’s lower buds to bulk up. This would help improve the yield of the plant. Additionally, it would help you express your artistic tendencies as you craft the plant into your preferred shape. The downside of this method is that it could lower the profile of the plant.


This camouflaging method is not as straightforward as LST. Here, you get to hide your plants in plain sight. If your home has a walled balcony with direct access to sunlight, this could be for you. The main objective of this technique is to keep the tips of the plants below the edge of the wall.

As your plants increase in height, you’ll need a plastic trellis mesh to wrap them in. This mesh will cause them to grow sideways (horizontally) instead of vertically. People who plant strains with tall genes sometimes top them off to ensure their growth is stunted.

Green Fencing Mesh

This is one of the simplest ways to camouflage your cannabis plants. It’s straightforward and easy to achieve. These advantages have made it a prevalent technique for cannabis cultivation in rural and urban regions. With the Green Fencing Mesh, neighbors would have no idea what was growing behind them, nor would intruders be inclined to snoop around your space. One major advantage of green fencing mesh is that it keeps your plants cool when the weather gets scorching.

Mixed Cropping

You can plant your cannabis plants with other plants like tomatoes or flowers. People prefer tomato plants for this technique because it looks similar to cannabis plants. You have to mix with a plant with similar physical properties to weed plants. One is for increasing crop yields, while the other is for concealing outdoor cannabis grow.

Here, you have to use a pair of scissors to get rid of the apparent traits in the weed plants. From the seedling to the vegetative state, only small nips here and there could be okay. However, once the plant enters its late flowering stage, you must get aggressive. At this time, you can remove all your plant’s fan leaves to make the weed unrecognizable to unsuspecting neighbors or visitors.

Fabric Flowerpots

Fabric flowerpots are used to reduce the overall height of a weed camouflage garden. With these flowerpots, your weeds’ height would be lowered by 20 inches. All you have to do is plant your weed directly into the soil, as this flowerpot allows roots to pass through. This method is best for guerilla cannabis farming. Additionally, you can combine this method with the green mesh method to make it better.

Fake Flowers

If you can’t afford to plant flowers or do not want to, you can purchase fake flowers as they function the same way to add stealth to your garden. What’s more, you do not have to split valuable time taking care of natural flowers and your weed plants.

You could place artificial booms on your cannabis plants to make them unrecognizable from the top. When buying fake flowers, it’s best to purchase brightly colored fakes.

A Combination of Methods

To maximize your camouflage efforts, you can consider combining two or more methods. For example, you could use fake flowers, scrOGing, and green fencing mesh for maximum effect. Everyday garden items like wood or compost can also hide your garden from nosy people.

Bottom Line

Practicing stealth growing or clandestine cultivation requires imagination, proper planning, and efficient strategies. It’s unnecessary to have land hidden in a remote area; you could cultivate a guerilla cannabis garden anywhere, even if it’s a balcony on a bustling street in the city.


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