Did UFOs Make The FBI Almost Cancel The X-Files

Aliens and UFO’s are all in the news. The government is opening up files and, in theory, releasing information about unidentified anomalous phenomena(UAP). Did UFOs make the FBI almost cancel the X-Files? Military officials shared they believe the government knows much more about UFOs than it is telling the public.
A House Oversight subcommittee held a hearing on UFOs — officially known as unidentified aerial phenomena or UAPs — and heard mystifying testimony about unexplained object sightings and government possession of “nonhuman” biological matter.
Lawmakers on the committee, baffled by some of the testimony, repeatedly noted that UAP sightings are an issue of bipartisan concern and raise national security questions. Separately, some accused the federal government of endeavoring to conceal key UFO-related information from the public, though they did not provide evidence to support those allegations.
Now back to the fictional FBI agents Mulder and Scully. They faced mutants, aliens, and all matter of paranormal scary things on a weekly basis on The X-Files. The show was a huge hit for Fox network, one that’s still ongoing, even though the series had a 14-year break.
While this cult show is considered science fiction, show runner and creator Chris Carter explained that during 1993, when the show was about to air, the FBI was truly concerned over their content, and gave him a very weird and paranoid phone call.
Carter explained that after that phone call he became kind of close to the feds, who were known as the unofficial fans of The “X-Files.” When it comes to his experience with the supernatural, Carter claims that even though he’s never seen a UFO or had an alien visitation, he still wants to believe. Very cute, but are aliens real or not? Just tell us.