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Herbl collapse signals wider fallout in California marijuana industry



California-based marijuana distribution giant Herbl is going to the courts in a bid to recover some of the roughly $10 million it claims retailers owe the company, which fell into receivership in June.

At the same time, according to court and investor documents, at least one of Herbl’s former brand partners – Sunset Connect – is suing to recover a six-figure debt the San Francisco maker of pre-rolls claims that Herbl owes and refuses to pay, records show.

The unprecedented struggle over what’s left of the once-prominent distribution company is a wave in a broader ripple effect that observers fear could sink more California cannabis businesses amid a cash squeeze plaguing the state’s marijuana industry.

In terms of what’s left of Santa Ana-based Herbl, retailers, brands, investors and creditors as well as state and federal tax collectors appear to be in a race to be the first to collect money from a rapidly vanishing pot.

Herbl’s unprecedented collapse is also a test case for the U.S. marijuana industry as a whole.

Federal prohibition means cannabis companies can’t use typical avenues for businesses in such financial straits, including bankruptcy proceedings that would allow for debt to be restructured and certain assets protected.

In Herbl’s case, “it is understood from the terms of the receivership that investors and claimants will be prioritized over the brands seeking payment,” said Alexis Lazzeri, a Los Angeles-based attorney at Manzuri Law.

In addition to Pasadena-based East West Bank, Herbl’s main lender, Herbl’s investors include New York City-based Roystone Capital Management, sources close to the situation told MJBizDaily.

Roystone did not respond to a request for comment.

It’s unclear how much Herbl may owe its erstwhile brand partners, but observers said those cannabis companies may be least likely to recover money owed.

Herbl has yet to make a public statement about its collapse.

Nor did it directly inform its partners, some brands told MJBizDaily.

‘Destined to happen’

The Herbl situation is also amplifying the voices of critics who argue that California’s mandatory distribution model as well as current state tax structure are unworkable.

That’s particularly true in a bear market in which creditors are seeking either unrealistically quick returns on their investments or calling back their capital from cash-poor businesses.

“I think this was destined to happen, the way the California market is set up,” said Griffen Thorne, a Los Angeles-based attorney and corporate law specialist at Harris Bricken, an international firm with a specialized cannabis practice.

“I don’t think it’s an Herbl thing. It’s just a symptom of the way the industry was set up and the way the market is going right now.”

“There’s going to be a lot of fighting over unsecured debt,” he added.

“There’s a lot of people out there vying for money, and it’s going to be hard for those folks to get paid.

“This is going to be the first of many failures and flameouts we’re going to see as a result of the creditor crunch.

“It’s just not going to be clean, and, unfortunately, this is where we’re at with the industry.

Anatomy of a struggle

Court records in Los Angeles and Orange counties show Herbl is suing at least 10 retailers and delivery services for unpaid debts.

Past-due amounts range from $22,000, owed by Southern California-based General Verde Organics, to more than $123,000 owed by Urban Buds, a Los Angeles-area delivery service, according to court records.

Urban Bud did not respond to MJBizDaily requests for comment. General Verde could not be reached for comment.

Herbl’s collection efforts began earlier this spring, before the company’s struggles became publicly known, though attorneys for Herbl filed several complaints seeking past-due bills in June, court records show.

How much Herbl, in turn, owes the brands whose products it distributed is not known.

Also unknown is Herbl’s potential overdue tax liability to the state and the IRS.

Herbl fell into receivership in early June after the company’s main lender, East West Bank, called in a key loan, as MJBizDaily first reported.

The bank’s aggressive collection efforts set off a chain reaction that broke the already weakened company.

According to an undated investor update from Herbl founder and CEO Mike Beaudry obtained by MJBizDaily, East West canceled Herbl’s line of credit in March.

Herbl was already “in desperate need of new capital” after an attempted raise the previous August resulting in no new investors “despite (the company’s) willingness to extend extremely favorable terms,” Beaudry told investors in the update.

At the same time that East West canceled Herbl’s line of credit, the bank demanded the company start repaying a $5 million loan “in increments of $250k per week or face immediate foreclosure proceedings,” Beaudry wrote.

‘Uniquely vicious’

That “bloodthirst” was “uniquely vicious, but not surprising given that the distribution model essentially makes distributors act as banks to the cannabis industry, fronting money for retailers,” Manzuri Law’s Lazzeri said.

“It might also be an indication of a loss in trust in the state of the cannabis industry and a lack of incentive to continue to hold it up,” she added.

Herbl made the bank payments, but the resulting cash crunch – coupled with spiraling overdue accounts-receivable from retailers that ballooned to “nearly $10 (million), of which $7M+ is significantly in arrears” – “forced us to begin missing payments with our brand partners,” Beaudry wrote.

“That, in turn, caused our brand partners to begin exiting our platform.”

The resulting downward spiral came to a head in June. Brands publicly announced they were leaving Herbl before Herbl employees posted farewells on social media.

“We are working with East West Bank on next steps, which we anticipate will involve a process of liquidating HERBL’s assets,” Beaudry noted in the investor update.

Beaudry did not respond to an MJBizDaily request for comment.

David Hafner, a spokesperson for California’s Department of Cannabis Control, told MJBizDaily that regulators are ‘informed that Herbl is in receivership and is communicating with the licensee and receiver to address issues related to the licenses.”

“As with any licensed business in California, cannabis licensees who have unpaid invoices can avail themselves of any applicable legal processes to recover funds,” Hafner continued.

“We encourage our licensees to seek out the appropriate, legal solutions to resolve their matters.”

Herbl also does business in Nevada, where its operations are so far unaffected, Beaudry wrote in the investor update.

Brands left out

One of those brands, Sunset Connect, did just that.

In a June 20 lawsuit filed in San Francisco Superior Court, Sunset Connect is seeking compensation for more than $130,000 worth of pre-rolls that Herbl sold to retailers.

That product was sold and Herbl collected payment, but then Herbl informed the brand that “they would not be paying,” the lawsuit alleges.

Ali Jamalian, Sunset Connect’s founder and owner, told MJBizDaily via text that Herbl “did a great job as a full-service distributor.”

However, the subsequent “lack of transparency and willingness to make so many brands a casualty of said lack of transparency is not excusable,” he added.

“I for one never even received any communications announcing their receivership or inability to pay, not sure if other brands did but I doubt it.”



New Mexico cannabis operator fined, loses license for alleged BioTrack fraud



New Mexico regulators fined a cannabis operator nearly $300,000 and revoked its license after the company allegedly created fake reports in the state’s traceability software.

The New Mexico Cannabis Control Division (CCD) accused marijuana manufacturer and retailer Golden Roots of 11 violations, according to Albuquerque Business First.

Golden Roots operates the The Cannabis Revolution Dispensary.

The majority of the violations are related to the Albuquerque company’s improper use of BioTrack, which has been New Mexico’s track-and-trace vendor since 2015.

The CCD alleges Golden Roots reported marijuana production only two months after it had received its vertically integrated license, according to Albuquerque Business First.

Because cannabis takes longer than two months to be cultivated, the CCD was suspicious of the report.

After inspecting the company’s premises, the CCD alleged Golden Roots reported cultivation, transportation and sales in BioTrack but wasn’t able to provide officers who inspected the site evidence that the operator was cultivating cannabis.

In April, the CCD revoked Golden Roots’ license and issued a $10,000 fine, according to the news outlet.

The company requested a hearing, which the regulator scheduled for Sept. 1.

At the hearing, the CCD testified that the company’s dried-cannabis weights in BioTrack were suspicious because they didn’t seem to accurately reflect how much weight marijuana loses as it dries.

Company employees also poorly accounted for why they were making adjustments in the system of up to 24 pounds of cannabis, making comments such as “bad” or “mistake” in the software, Albuquerque Business First reported.

Golden Roots was fined $298,972.05 – the amount regulators allege the company made selling products that weren’t properly accounted for in BioTrack.

The CCD has been cracking down on cannabis operators accused of selling products procured from out-of-state or not grown legally:

Golden Roots was the first alleged rulebreaker in New Mexico to be asked to pay a large fine.


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Marijuana companies suing US attorney general in federal prohibition challenge



Four marijuana companies, including a multistate operator, have filed a lawsuit against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in which they allege the federal MJ prohibition under the Controlled Substances Act is no longer constitutional.

According to the complaint, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts, retailer Canna Provisions, Treevit delivery service CEO Gyasi Sellers, cultivator Wiseacre Farm and MSO Verano Holdings Corp. are all harmed by “the federal government’s unconstitutional ban on cultivating, manufacturing, distributing, or possessing intrastate marijuana.”

Verano is headquartered in Chicago but has operations in Massachusetts; the other three operators are based in Massachusetts.

The lawsuit seeks a ruling that the “Controlled Substances Act is unconstitutional as applied to the intrastate cultivation, manufacture, possession, and distribution of marijuana pursuant to state law.”

The companies want the case to go before the U.S. Supreme Court.

They hired prominent law firm Boies Schiller Flexner to represent them.

The New York-based firm’s principal is David Boies, whose former clients include Microsoft, former presidential candidate Al Gore and Elizabeth Holmes’ disgraced startup Theranos.

Similar challenges to the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) have failed.

One such challenge led to a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2005.

In Gonzalez vs. Raich, the highest court in the United States ruled in a 6-3 decision that the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the power to outlaw marijuana federally, even though state laws allow the cultivation and sale of cannabis.

In the 18 years since that ruling, 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized adult-use marijuana and the federal government has allowed a multibillion-dollar cannabis industry to thrive.

Since both Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice, currently headed by Garland, have declined to intervene in state-licensed marijuana markets, the key facts that led to the Supreme Court’s 2005 ruling “no longer apply,” Boies said in a statement Thursday.

“The Supreme Court has since made clear that the federal government lacks the authority to regulate purely intrastate commerce,” Boies said.

“Moreover, the facts on which those precedents are based are no longer true.”

Verano President Darren Weiss said in a statement the company is “prepared to bring this case all the way to the Supreme Court in order to align federal law with how Congress has acted for years.”

While the Biden administration’s push to reschedule marijuana would help solve marijuana operators’ federal tax woes, neither rescheduling nor modest Congressional reforms such as the SAFER Banking Act “solve the fundamental issue,” Weiss added.

“The application of the CSA to lawful state-run cannabis business is an unconstitutional overreach on state sovereignty that has led to decades of harm, failed businesses, lost jobs, and unsafe working conditions.”


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Alabama to make another attempt Dec. 1 to award medical cannabis licenses



Alabama regulators are targeting Dec. 1 to award the first batch of medical cannabis business licenses after the agency’s first two attempts were scrapped because of scoring errors and litigation.

The first licenses will be awarded to individual cultivators, delivery providers, processors, dispensaries and state testing labs, according to the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC).

Then, on Dec. 12, the AMCC will award licenses for vertically integrated operations, a designation set primarily for multistate operators.

Licenses are expected to be handed out 28 days after they have been awarded, so MMJ production could begin in early January, according to the Alabama Daily News.

That means MMJ products could be available for patients around early March, an AMCC spokesperson told the media outlet.

Regulators initially awarded 21 business licenses in June, only to void them after applicants alleged inconsistencies with how the applications were scored.

Then, in August, the state awarded 24 different licenses – 19 went to June recipients – only to reverse themselves again and scratch those licenses after spurned applicants filed lawsuits.

A state judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by Chicago-based MSO Verano Holdings Corp., but another lawsuit is pending.


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