Florida Gov. DeSantis to Pot Licensees: ‘Charge These People More’

Should Florida officials charge more for cannabis license application and renewal fees?
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told a group of reporters on August 23 that medical cannabis license holders in the state need to pay more for their license application and renewal fees. But operators in the state say that raising application and renewal fees could spell the end for some struggling businesses.
State officials “should charge these people more,” DeSantis said.
“I mean, these are very valuable licenses,” the governor continued. “I would charge them an arm and a leg. I mean, everybody wants these licenses.”
CBS News Miami reports that whether or not the governor was referring to existing license holders or future license holders remains to be seen.
But Florida’s license and renewal rates already exceed fees seen in other states. That could be because Florida’s licensing system requires operators to cultivate, process and sell marijuana and derivative products without limiting the number of retail locations, and lawyers say this makes the state’s licenses more valuable.
After stepping into his role as governor in January 2019, one of DeSantis’ primary promises is to provide a boost to Florida’s economy.
Gov. DeSantis pushed to repeal Florida’s ban on smokable flower. Voters in Florida passed a constitutional amendment legalizing medical cannabis in 2016, but regulations that ban smokable cannabis were passed by the legislature and signed into law by former Gov. Rick Scott.
Cannabis advocates sued, claiming the ban violated the amendment passed by voters. A state court agreed and declared the rule invalid, but it remained in place as an appeal from Scott’s administration made its way through the courts. However, when Gov. DeSantis took office, he said if the ban was not repealed his administration would abandon the appeal of the court ruling.
The ban on smokable cannabis was officially repealed on March 18, with Gov. Ron DeSantis signing a compromise bill that was passed by legislators. Smokable flower is, unsurprisingly, by far the most popular menu item at Florida’s over 460 medical cannabis dispensaries.
An earlier 2014 allowed low-THC products for certain patients. Then, medical cannabis companies part of an initial group of applicants in 2015 paid over $60,000 in order to be able to sell low-THC cannabis.
Then Florida’s 2016 constitutional amendment established more of what is thought of as a mature medical cannabis market with a variety of approved products.
Florida law requires legislative approval of rules if cost of compliance for those businesses exceeds $200,000 in one year or $1 million over the course of five years.
Jacking up application and renewal fees “would be unfortunate,” Brady Cobb, a lawyer and founder and CEO of Green Sentry told CBS News. “If it happens, it happens,” said Cobb. Cobb added that Florida could make more money by taxing cannabis products or allowing operators to wholesale products to each other and taxing those sales instead.
Black Farmer License Fees Also Too High in Florida
The state charged a higher fee in a recent round of applications for a license set aside in Florida’s 2017 law for a Black cannabis farmer. Under rules laid out by the Department of Health, applicants had to pay a $146,000 fee to compete for the Black farmer license which was over twice the fee from the application process in 2015.
“Black farmers are required to shell out $146,000 merely to apply for a license to grow medical marijuana,” the Miami New Times reports.
Last year, Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried called the high fees for the Black farmer license “discriminatory.”
The department accepted a dozen applications for the Black farmer license, but has not announced the winner of the license. A new round of license applications will launch again after the Black farmer license is issued, but the state hasn’t laid out a timeline. At least 150 applicants are expected to apply.
Source: https://hightimes.com/news/florida-gov-desantis-to-pot-licensees-charge-these-people-more/
10 Career Paths For Ambitious Marijuana Lovers

From creative paths to the tech industry, the world is your oyster right now if you love weed.
If you are looking for a new job there are few better times than the present to look for a new opportunity or even launch a new career. According to CNBC, “Workers continue to benefit from a hot job market characterized by near-record demand for their labor, which has translated to ample choice and higher pay.”
With this being such a great market for the employee on the hunt, it allows those looking for jobs to pick and choose what is most important when it comes to a career. If you are a regular cannabis user, for example, you might even be wondering what career path might best suit you and your extracurricular activities. These days there are all sorts of jobs and career paths available to marijuana lovers. Gone are the days when pizza delivery and video rental clerk are the only viable career aspirations. From creative paths to the tech industry, the world is your oyster right now if you love weed. While many jobs have warmed up to the idea of weed use, here are 10 of the best career paths for cannabis lovers.
Food & Beverage Industry
Sure, there is the stereotypical idea of the stoner dishwasher and busboy, but the food and beverage industry actually has some great career paths for driven and creative individuals. From food and beverage director, to corporate trainer, edibles chef, bar manager and even food and beverage consulting, there are a wide array of careers in the food and beverage industry for motivated cannabis lovers.
Some corporate jobs may do preliminary drug testing, but it is rare for food and beverage jobs to do regular or random testing. This is a high energy field, which makes your love of cannabis a perfect unwinding activity after an energized day.
Entertainment Industry
Another industry that is becoming more and more infused with cannabis is the entertainment industry. As we previously reported, more and more entertainment celebrities are becoming part of the cannabis industry, helping it become more accepted in the community. Plus, the entertainment industry has one of the lowest rates of drug testing.
It is an always evolving industry that bursts with creativity. It is not for the faint of heart. But if you are a creative, tough-skinned and ambitious cannabis lover, you might want to consider your options in the entertainment world.
Musicians and marijuana go hand and hand, and they have a long history. From Bob Dylan introducing the Beatles to marijuana, to the mention of it in thousands of pop and hip hop songs, it is safe to say musicians and marijuana are interlinked. If you are passionate about music and marijuana, you may consider a career in the music industry.
Sure, becoming a platinum selling artist is not something everyone achieves, but there are lots of more achievable careers in music. In fact, according to Indeed, there are over 9,000 job opportunities in the music industry right now. From behind the scenes, to technical jobs, working on a tour or even taking a spin being a DJ, the music industry has all sorts of ways you can get your foot in the door and earn a living.
Computer Animation/Graphic Design
If you are a creative type but more of an introvert, it might be a good idea to brush up on your computer skills. Graphic design and computer animation is a career path for the artistic type, and these types of jobs are often not drug tested, as they are both creative and white collar.
If you love weed and are a talented artist, but looking for a driven career rather than a bohemian artist’s life in an industrial loft somewhere, computer animation and graphic design might be good paths.
Fitness & Wellness Instructor
The fitness and wellness fields are also very popular, and cannabis is often becoming entwined in both. Marijuana and working out has become more commonplace, and as we have reported, there are several benefits to incorporating weed into your fitness routine. If you love weed and working out, a career in personal fitness may be a great match for you.
Wellness, including holistic healing and meditation, also includes marijuana. If you are already interested in the world of wholistic healing and meditation, you may want to consider turning it into a career, especially as more states make marijuana legal and accessible.
IT/Web Developer
If you are more of an analytical, tech savvy weed enthusiast, you might struggle to find a good career fit to match both your skills and your interests. While some computer programing and technology jobs involve the corporate grind (and drug testing), you might want to consider IT consulting or web developing. These jobs often allow you a good amount of independence and autonomy.In today’s post-pandemic labor market, many of these jobs can also be done remotely, which can be a big bonus for those who like to design web sites and fix IT problems while getting a little bit high.
Real Estate
Another job that often involves lots of hustle and independence (but with little corporate oversight) is the real estate industry. Sure, depending on what company you work for there may be corporate red tape, but many real estate agent jobs do not drug test. The real estate industry is a great career path for a cannabis lover who is outgoing, and also driven.
In fact many real estate agents are independent contractors, which limits your connection with your employer. If you like to get high, but have big ambitions, the real estate agency might be perfect for you, as it is an industry where the more you hustle, the greater your rewards. Not to mention, as we have previously reported, there are links to cannabis legalization and increased property value. Sounds like a win win scenario.
If you are worried about getting drug tested, or your boss not liking your cannabis habit, why not work for yourself? If you often have visions of starting your own business or creating a product, and use weed to channel that vision, perhaps consider becoming an entrepreneur.
RELATED: Smoking Marijuana May Spark Entrepreneurial Spirit
Entrepreneurs have flexibility to create their own schedule and their own rules. If you find that marijuana gives you even more drive and creative flow, consider making your self-employed dreams a reality. Just make sure you are not the type who gets lazy when you get high, since being your own boss requires self-motivation.
Lots of writers are known to be regular cannabis users. From Hunter S. Thompson to William Shakespeare (allegedly), weed and writing has been commonplace for centuries. Writers usually work for themselves, or at the very least at their own pace. As long as you are able to meet deadlines, you have no need to stop your weed habit.
Becoming a novelist is not the only route either. From travel blogger to ghost writing, there are all sorts of writing jobs for those looking to use their wordsmith skills without having to give up their love of ganja.
Cannabis Industry
You can’t have a list of career paths for weed lovers and not include the cannabis industry. If there is one industry that fully embraces those who love weed, it is the weed industry itself. Not only is the cannabis industry unlikely to fire you for your weed usage (unless it is at work and prohibited on the site), but there are so many career paths within the weed industry.
As we previously reported, the cannabis industry is growing at a rapid rate, and could be worth upwards of $45 billion in 2025. From head grower, to CEO, to director of sales, marketing or even the general manager of a dispensary, there are lots of highly lucrative careers within the cannabis industry itself. So if you are an ambitious weed lover, why not work with what you love?
Source: https://thefreshtoast.com/cannabis/10-career-paths-for-ambitious-marijuana-lovers/
Can You Freeze Weed?

When properly stored in a freezer, the degradation process of cannabis almost stops entirely. However, there are some things you should know before you do this.
When cannabis is dried and cured, its potency is at its highest. Over time weed loses its potency, especially if exposed to light and heat. Many different methods have been developed to keep the potency of cannabis from degrading. One of these methods is storing weed in the freezer.
If you buy bulk cannabis and/or harvest a healthy supply of homegrown cannabis you might find yourself looking for ways to maintain its potency. Freezing weed may be an option for you.
This is good news for anyone looking to store their weed for long periods of time without worrying about its potency. However, there are some things you should know before you put your weed in the freezer.
The first thing to know is that you shouldn’t store your weed in the freezer for extended periods of time. If you do, the quality of your weed will suffer. This is because each time you take it out of the freezer and then put it back in, thawing and refreezing degrades the quality of your weed.
To avoid this, only store your weed in the freezer for short periods of time – no more than a few months.
The second thing to know is that you should store your weed in an airtight, freezer-safe container before putting it in the freezer. This will protect your weed from being exposed to too much moisture, which can degrade the quality.
RELATED: What Does Good Weed Look Like?
You should also make sure to label your container with the date you put it in the freezer. This way, you’ll know how long it’s been in there and can consume it accordingly.
Finally, when you’re ready to use your frozen weed, be sure to thaw it out slowly by letting it sit at room temperature for a few hours. Do not microwave it or try to speed up the process in any way, as this will degrade the quality of your weed.
When thawing out your frozen weed, make sure it completely dries or mildew can grow, along with mold and other bacteria. Use it within a week or two. After that, the quality of your weed will start to decline.
If you’ve been wondering “Can I keep my weed in the freezer?”, you now know that freezing your cannabis will help preserve the potency of your weed.
Can you freeze CBD oil?
Now that you know you can freeze weed, you might also be wondering “Can you freeze CBD oil?”
The shelf life of CBD oil is about two years. After two years the oil tends to turn murky, thick, and lumpy. Just like consuming an old food product, consuming old CBD oil can make you sick.
Similar to fresh cannabis flower, CBD oil should be stored away from sunlight and direct heat. This will help it to maintain its potency. “Freezing” CBD oil can extend its shelf life but it’s important to note oil does not freeze like water. Placing CBD oil in a freezer will cause its viscosity to change and keep it from going bad sooner but it will also make the oil hard to use when removed from the freezer.
Can you freeze edibles?
Just like cannabis flower and CBD oil edibles can be stored in the freezer. The main difference between freezing flower, oil, and edibles is that edibles contain additional food ingredients that are susceptible to bacteria. If you find yourself with an abundance of edibles, you will want to freeze your extras right away to prevent them from spoiling.
Cheri Sicard, the author of The Cannabis Gourmet Cookbook says, “Freezing edibles makes good sense. You can portion control and save the rest for when you need it…Freezing cannabis brownies and marijuana butter can extend their shelf life by about six months.”
RELATED: What Makes Weed So Sticky? And Is It A Good Thing?
When freezing edibles it’s important to remember they will become harder and more brittle. For this reason, it’s best to wrap them individually before placing them in the freezer. This will prevent them from sticking together and breaking when you try to remove them.
To help keep track of how long an edible has been in your freezer, mark the date on your edibles.
How to freeze edible gummies
To freeze edible gummies, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Make sure the gummies are not touching each other. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 1-2 hours or until the gummies are frozen. Once they are frozen, transfer them to an airtight container, and store them in the freezer. Consume your THC gummies within six months of freezing.
Does freezing damage THC?
It’s absolutely normal to be concerned about damaging the cannabinoid content of your weed. The number one thing that causes damage to THC is improper storage. Improper storage degrades THC. As discussed above, researchers at the University of Mississippi found that THC loses 16.6% of its potency within the first year.
Does putting weed in the freezer do anything?
Freezing cannabis is helpful to prevent THC degradation, as it reduces potency loss to approximately 4%. Freezing fresh flower can be damaging to THC in that it becomes more fragile. If bumped, the crystalized trichomes may break off easier causing your flower to lose some of its strength. Additionally, if your weed is thawed too quickly, it can cause a lot of moisture which makes it susceptible to mold.
It’s important to remember that freezing weed is not a perfect solution to extending its shelf life. Your cannabis will still degrade — just not as fast. For this reason, it’s best to use frozen weed within a few months.
Get started on your cannabis wellness journey
Have you started your cannabis wellness journey? Jointly is a new cannabis wellness app that helps you discover purposeful cannabis consumption so you can achieve your wellness goals with cannabis and CBD. On the Jointly app, you can find new cannabis products, rate products based on how well they helped you achieve your goals, and track and optimize 15 factors that can impact your cannabis experience. These 15 factors include your dose, the environment in which you consume cannabis, who you are with when you ingest, how hydrated you are, the quality of your diet, how much sleep you got last night, and more. Download the Jointly app on the App Store or the Google Play Store to get started on your cannabis wellness journey.
Source: https://thefreshtoast.com/cannabis/can-you-freeze-weed/
Is It Legal to Mail Cannabis or Edibles Within the United States?
The legalities of traveling and shipping cannabis or products made from it can be overwhelmingly confusing.
There are many things to consider, and these are important to know especially for medical patients who rely on cannabis for managing diseases, have trouble getting to a dispensary near you, or need to dispose of marijuana after traveling to a cannabis-friendly state.
The short answer is: no, it’s illegal to ship marijuana products and edibles within the United States. At the time of writing, marijuana is still a federally illegal substance which means that it is illegal in the eyes of the federal government. The United States Postal Service (USPS), as well as other private postage companies, are managed and controlled by the government. If there is any criminal activity that has been discovered, coursed through the mail, can lead to federal criminal offenses, which are discussed in the United States Code 1716.
Individuals who are caught shipping marijuana even from one legal state to another can be prosecuted by the federal government. This can also lead to state charges based on the quantity of illegal drugs. However, if you are caught mailing cannabis within a state where cannabis is already legal, the best course of action would be to seek the help of a drug defense attorney.
The current law states that shipping 50 kilos of marijuana through the UPS can lead to as much as 5 years in prison with a fine of up to $250,000. Both FedEx and UPS don’t allow shipping products that are not federally legal, though the USPS has to get a search warrant while FedEx, UPS, and other private couriers don’t. That means that they can open your package if they think that it’s necessary to do so. Keep in mind that postage workers are also given a reward, sometimes to the tune of $50,000, if they are able to identify packages that contain marijuana and report the people behind it.
While many people have been able to get away with traveling internationally with edibles in their suitcase, you may think that it’s legal to mail it.
However, the answer is still no. Edibles with THC is still federally illegal, and since the US postal service is an agency of the federal government, anyone caught can be subject to hefty fines and may even risk jail time. Both the recipient and the shipper can be punished.
Hemp and CBD
Mailing raw hemp plants can only be done legally for pre-approved individuals or companies within the United States. The UPS can already accept any product made from hemp as well as CBD, based on state and federal laws. However, the responsibility of ensuring compliance is all in the hands of the shipper, so it’s best to research the current Food, Drugs, & Cosmetics Act.
According to the Hemp Farming Act of 2018, CBD is legally considered as any product made from hemp which contains under 0.3% THC. Even though CBD can be produced from other plants that have a higher THC content, only a few places can legally sell CBD made from marijuana as opposed to hemp. But CBD products aren’t as tightly regulated in areas where recreational or medical marijuana has already been legalized.
One also has to keep in mind that CBD must be legal in the place of origin as well as its destination. There are still some states that unfortunately prohibit the sales of CBD products while complex restrictions in various locations can make shipping more confusing than it should be. Currently, the USPS requires businesses that ship CBD to make sure that all state, federal, and local laws have been complied with though this isn’t limited to the THC content in each product. The proper documentation is also critical for compliance.
This is why it’s become easy for online cannabis businesses to ship out raw hemp or other hemp-based products.
It’s also important to note that marijuana businesses are treated differently compared to individuals who may want to ship marijuana, hemp, or edibles for personal reasons. Again, while many people have gotten away with doing so in the past, remember that this could be a matter of luck. You would have to ask if getting caught would be worth it – after all, if you are traveling to a destination where it’s legal for recreational use, you’re better off just buying it there.
Since the laws regarding the transportation of marijuana is constantly changing, the best thing to do would be to consult a lawyer before you try to do so yourself. This can save you the headaches and legal trouble that could arise out of doing it incorrectly or illegally.
Legal States
Buying marijuana and THC products online is easy to do so in states where it’s legal. Heck, you could even have it delivered straight to your door with no questions asked except that you do have to prove you are at least 21 years of age to do so. Additionally, city and state laws may vary especially when it comes to the amount that you can buy, own at home, and where you can smoke cannabis.
Many licensed dispensaries provide safe and secure options for purchasing marijuana online and having it delivered. Just be sure that you are buying from a company that is reputable. As always, research the current laws in your area.
Source: https://cannabis.net/blog/news/is-it-legal-to-mail-cannabis-or-edibles-within-the-united-states
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