Can You Use Cannabis to Manifest Your Ideal Future? (Neville Goddard Book Review for Stoners)

One stoner thinks you can use weed to manifest your desired results in life!
I recently was smoking a joint while aimlessly drifting about in a sea of videos on Youtube when I saw this video by the MasterKeySociety read a book by the author Neville Goddard. The book entitled, “Feeling is the Secret” can be experienced in a single sitting since it takes about 40-minutes for the total narration of the book.
This is perfect for a stoner like me who, after having read and written thousands of words in a single day – don’t always want to read, but always wants to learn more. Thus, the audio format worked and I continued to smoke my joint from the beginning to the end.
This blog will attempt to achieve several things;
- A Low-Key Stoner Review on the Book itself covering the core concepts
- How you could potentially utilize cannabis to achieve what is being discussed in the book itself
For those of you who don’t know who Neville Goddard is, he was an author. Here’s Wikipedia’s breakdown on his character;
Goddard was born in Barbados on February 19, 1905, to Joseph Nathaniel and Wilhelmina Goddard. He immigrated to New York City c. 1922, where he initially worked as a ballet and ballroom dancer.[2][3]
In 1931, he began to study under an Ethiopian rabbi, named Abdullah who introduced him to Kabbalah.[2] He was not naturalized until around the time of World War II, when he served in the United States Army – Wikipedia
While this description doesn’t do justice on what the man achieved, I cannot tell you how many times his name came up in various different esoteric circles. From practitioners of Magick to practitioners of the Law of Attraction – Goddard impacted them all.
Now it’s important to note that Goddard did place a heavy emphasis on the Bible, but unlike your traditional Christian point of view, Goddard rather treated the Bible as if it was a magickal grimoire. In other words, it serves more as a manual for life and the evolution of consciousness, than a literal depiction on reality.
To Goddard, the parables and stories in the Bible hint at deeper truths and interactions between the conscious and unconscious mind. Therefore, when we quote things from the Bible in this article…attempt to view it in the same light as the author did.
In other words, don’t be a silly little bitch and don’t take things personally.
Now, let’s get into the meat of it!
A Stoner’s Review on “Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard”
The author begins the book by explaining that he doesn’t care whether you believe him or not. He notes that this book will be “short in length” since he removed all the parts of him trying to defend his ideas. Rather, he challenges the reader to “try them and see if they work”, and if they don’t to ignore him and his work.
This is a refreshing perspective that many times are lacking within the self-developmental circle. People tend to drink their own “Kool-Aid” and take themselves too seriously and when there is someone within this niche that says, “Hey, listen…this is what I know and whether you want to or not…that’s up to you!” is quite a breath of fresh air.
It also allows the author to simply remove all the chains and to just flow with the truths that he uncovered during his research.
And as you can imagine – the major conclusion the author came to is; “Feeling is the Secret!”
Not thought or action, but feeling…
The base premise of Goddard’s message in this book is that the only way to manifest your desire is to tap into the feeling of it and embody the feeling of the “wish-fulfilled” in your present moment. In other words, “How would you feel if you were to achieve your intention, desire, or wish?”
The easy answer is – “I’d feel good!” but the problem with this vague answer is, “What does good feel like?”
The trick is to tap into the emotional field of the “wish-fulfilled”. For example, if you are trying to manifest a higher paying job or a promotion at work – how would you feel the moment after your boss or the hiring manager says, “Congratulations – it’s yours!”
Or how would you feel to hit your target weight after months of dieting, training, retraining, and being disciplined? What would be the emotions that would be swimming in your body? Where are they located? How intense are they? Are there other related emotions that synergizes with the base emotion of the “accomplished state”?
According to the author, “You cannot manifest a desire, you can only manifest that what you are!” (paraphrased) meaning, that in order to obtain your desires you need to shift from “wanting” to “having”.
For many, this statement creates a glitch in their programming. “How can I have something I don’t have? Isn’t that the purpose of a desire?”
The answer – according to Goddard – is “feeling”. It’s shifting into the “feeling of having it” and removing yourself from the “feeling of wanting it”.
To do this, you project yourself into the image of your desire. Whatever that might mean to you. You simply have to imagine you obtaining your goal or objective, and then – shift your awareness from “observation” to “being”.
In other words, you’ll shoot your awareness into the image generated in your head. You’ll experience the projection from the “first person perspective” and not from the “third person perspective” (the way we typically view our memories).
When you shift your awareness into the projection, you can then utilize your mirror neurons to resonate with the projected frequency of the “accomplished state”. In other words, you begin to harmonize with that “emotional configuration” in the present moment.
You grow the feeling, you make it touch every cell of your body…and then you lock this feeling into your being.
The trick then is to remain in this general zone of accomplishment. Experience the “Peace, Security, Joy” that you would if all your desires came true right now – and the unconscious will make it so.
But how does this all work?
Fortunately, Goddard also mentions the mechanics of this in the book in where the conscious mind (the masculine energy of the self), imparts the desire unto the unconscious (feminine energy) which then from the void of creation manifests the desired reality.
The reason why “feeling” is the secret is because “feeling” is the language of the unconscious mind. To the unconscious mind, there is little importance about what’s going on in the real world. You can both see a factual display of data, and “feel” completely different about it.
Someone could say something like, “There’s no danger here, all of these protections have been tested thoroughly, you’re perfectly safe!” except in your gut you feel the opposite to be true. No matter the facts presented, the feeling doesn’t change!
This is because that’s the unconscious utilizing a different means of interacting with baseline reality. For the unconscious mind, everything felt is true…even if you don’t physically have it. Thus, if you can shift your internal frequency towards the approximate “feeling” of your desired reality – the unconscious mind assumes this is true.
In turn, the unconscious mind utilizes non-linear methods to arrange your personal reality to suit the feeling you have inside. This is why people who feel unlucky often are, and conversely those who truly feel like everything is going their way – typically find resolutions that echo the sentiment.
We don’t need to understand how it all works mainly because it’s impossible. We only have about 50-60 bits of conscious processing power per second, meaning that the vast majority of the processes and mechanisms the unconscious utilizes to make something happen is beyond our scope of understanding.
It doesn’t matter either…when you understand that the “secret is the feeling”, you can focus your conscious energy to resonate with the achieved state and trust in the unconscious to make it so.
I tried it…it didn’t work!
I know some people here who will automatically claim that “The Law of Attraction” is bullshit. This is typically because people make a few mistakes in this process;
- They believe it’s instant
- They lack focus on the feeling (clarity)
Firstly, when you are reorganizing the very fabric of reality – it doesn’t happen overnight. While it is possible for an overnight or instant manifestation; people have the consider the “distance” between the desired state and their current state.
If you’re attempting to manifest a million dollars and have no business opportunities, are desperately in debt, and have no rich relatives to conveniently die and leave you their inheritance…then the unconscious will have to map out a path of least resistance towards the desired goal.
This could take some time because it will require that “YOU” behave differently in order to create and sustain this new reality. Maybe you need to become better at budgeting? Suddenly, you have all these budgeting problems appearing in your field of consciousness.
These hiccups challenges you to either face the problems and overcome them, or fold under and retreat your typical behavior. The problem with most people is that when these moments occur in their lives they allow it to affect their “emotional state”.
Since the unconscious manifest that what we feel, then when our emotional state flutters and resonates with whatever’s happening in our space – we redirect our energy and begin to manifest more of what we are experiencing.
The second issue comes when the person lacks clarity. The trick is to tune into the feeling of the desire accomplished. A place where you are convinced that you have “achieved” your desire. This means doing some real soul searching and identifying the strongest emotional state of the desire fulfilled.
Clarity is key!
Okay, follow the “feels” – but how does weed help me out?
Cannabis can help us in several ways, however, it’s important to designate cannabis as a tool in this process and not as a crutch. In other words, you should attempt to achieve these states without the influence of cannabis – HOWEVER – considering that cannabis can help disrupt mental loops such as trauma, then it stands to reason that it could potentially do the same for a “shitty situation”!
Most people – when they desire “something”, it’s usually because they don’t currently have it. If you’ve been experiencing “not having it” for a long time, it becomes a base reality. You feel like shit, and deposit this shitty feeling into your unconscious, which then in turn manifest more situations that reinforce this “shitty-ness”
This is in essence the very same way that PTSD works. You get stuck in a loop that feeds into itself sustaining the reality that you don’t want. While logically you might understand that you need to “increase your emotional frequency”, emotionally – you are incapable of seeing beyond your current veil of misery.
It’s in these moments of sheer hopelessness that a bit of cannabis can provide you with a flood of euphoria, shining light on the darkness and providing you some fresh perspective to latch onto. Sometimes, all we need is a bit of clarity and hope to get us out of a terrible situation.
Cannabis can provide some space between you and the situation, giving you some “wiggle room” to readjust your emotional resonance with the situation. It might not even be something big, but that doesn’t matter.
“The Feeling is the Secret” meaning that if you can shift your mood, you can shift your reality. Fortunately, we know that cannabis is very effective in shifting mood. Doing so with intention, can provide some significant results.
Another way that cannabis can help you is in the visualization aspect. If you need to dream up your desired state, witness yourself in your mind’s eye as “getting what you want” – cannabis can help facilitate in this process.
The trick is to not get “too” stoned, but just enough where it removes the “internal critic” from the process and where you can simply “imagine without fear”. Once you have conjured up your dream-fulfilled, you can then utilize this “plastic” state to shift your perspective into the image…and utilize your mirror neurons to embody the emotional state of your projected future-desire-fulfilled.
Don’t take my word for it…try it!
I agree with Goddard that while this could be debated until the end of days, it’s best to try these things out for yourself. Even if you are dubious on the whole “law of attraction” shtick, you can utilize this same mechanism to get fired up and train your unconscious mind to pay attention to certain outcomes you want in your life.
However, giving this an earnest try is the key to where it’s at. Maybe start small, and scale up your efforts. If it doesn’t work – you got high and visualized a good future for yourself. If it does work, you just discovered a way to manifest anything your heart desires.
All because one stoner decided to listen to a book one night while smoking a fat joint. Also, as I mentioned, you don’t have to rely only on cannabis – breathwork, meditation, visualization, etc…they all help you get into the zone.
Alabama to make another attempt Dec. 1 to award medical cannabis licenses

Alabama regulators are targeting Dec. 1 to award the first batch of medical cannabis business licenses after the agency’s first two attempts were scrapped because of scoring errors and litigation.
The first licenses will be awarded to individual cultivators, delivery providers, processors, dispensaries and state testing labs, according to the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC).
Then, on Dec. 12, the AMCC will award licenses for vertically integrated operations, a designation set primarily for multistate operators.
Licenses are expected to be handed out 28 days after they have been awarded, so MMJ production could begin in early January, according to the Alabama Daily News.
That means MMJ products could be available for patients around early March, an AMCC spokesperson told the media outlet.
Regulators initially awarded 21 business licenses in June, only to void them after applicants alleged inconsistencies with how the applications were scored.
Then, in August, the state awarded 24 different licenses – 19 went to June recipients – only to reverse themselves again and scratch those licenses after spurned applicants filed lawsuits.
A state judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by Chicago-based MSO Verano Holdings Corp., but another lawsuit is pending.
Pot Odor Does Not Justify Probable Cause for Vehicle Searches, Minnesota Court Affirms

The Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed that cannabis odor does not constitute probable cause to search a vehicle.
If Minnesota police search a vehicle solely based upon the smell of pot, they can’t justify searching a vehicle, even if there is evidence found of other alleged crimes. Even after appealing a lower court decision to suppress the evidence—twice—the Minnesota Supreme Court agreed, and the dismissal of his charges stands.
In a ruling filed regarding a case the State of Minnesota Court of Appeals on Sept. 13, the Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed that cannabis odor does not constitute probable cause to search a vehicle.
The case has been ongoing for two years. On July 5, 2021, just before 10 p.m., a Litchfield police officer stopped a car for an obscure local law: the light bar mounted on the vehicle’s grill had more auxiliary driving lights than are permitted under Minnesota law. The officer asked the driver, Adam Lloyd Torgerson, for his license and registration. Torgerson, his wife, and his child were present in the vehicle. The officer stated that he smelled pot and asked Torgerson if there was any reason for the odor, which he initially denied. But cops found a lot more than just pot.
A backup officer was called in. The couple denied possessing any pot, but Torgerson admitted to smoking weed in the past. The second officer stated that the weed odor gave them probable cause to search the vehicle and ordered them to exit the vehicle. The first officer searched the vehicle and found a film canister, three pipes, and a small plastic bag in the center console. The plastic bag contained a white powder and the film canister contained meth, which was confirmed in a field test.
Torgenson was charged with possession of meth pipe in the presence of a minor and fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance after the unwarranted search of Torgerson’s vehicle.
Police Aren’t Allowed to Do That, Multiple Courts Rule
But the search had one major problem—cops weren’t searching for a meth pipe. They only searched his car because they could smell pot, and the meth and paraphernalia were a surprise for everyone. Still, they had no grounds to search the vehicle. The man’s charges were later dismissed after the district court determined the odor of cannabis alone was insufficient basis for probable cause to search the vehicle, regardless of whatever other drug paraphernalia they found.
The state appealed the case, but the Minnesota Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s decision. The case was appealed a second time, this time to the Minnesota Supreme Court, which agreed with the lower court’s ruling.
“This search was justified only by the odor of marijuana emanating from the vehicle,” the Minnesota Supreme Court decision reads. “Torgerson moved to suppress the evidence found during the search, arguing that the odor of marijuana, alone, is insufficient to create the requisite probable cause to search a vehicle under the automobile exception to the warrant requirement. The district court granted Torgerson’s motion, suppressed the evidence, and dismissed the complaint. The State appealed. The court of appeals affirmed the district court’s suppression order. Because we conclude that the odor of marijuana emanating from a vehicle, alone, is insufficient to create the requisite probable cause to search a vehicle under the automobile exception to the warrant requirement, we affirm.”
It amounts to basic human rights that apply—regardless of whether or not a person is addicted to drugs.
Other States do Precisely the Same Regarding Pot Odor as Probably Cause
An Illinois judge ruled in 2021 that the odor of cannabis is not sufficient grounds for police to search a vehicle without a warrant during a traffic stop.
Daniel J. Dalton, Associate Judge of the 14th Judicial Circuit, issued a ruling in response to a motion to suppress evidence in the case of Vincent Molina, a medical cannabis patient arrested for cannabis possession last year.
In that case, Molina was arrested despite the decriminalization of small amounts of cannabis in Illinois in 2019 with the passage of the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.
In some states, the issue of probable cause and cannabis was defined through bills.
Last April, the Maryland House of Delegates approved a bill that reduces the penalties for public cannabis consumption and bars police from using the odor of cannabis as the basis for the search of an individual or auto. Under Maryland’s House Bill 1071, law enforcement officers would be prohibited from using the odor of raw or burnt cannabis as probable cause to search a person or vehicle.
The rulings represent the rights of citizens when they are pulled over by police, even if there are hard drugs involved.
Can Cannabis Help Seasonal Depression

Ultimately, seasonal affective disorder can set in as quickly and seamlessly as the fall foliage on the trees outside.
The weather and foliage on the trees aren’t the only things that are changing around this time of year. As the sun starts to set earlier and earlier, peoples moods can be affected by the decrease in sunlight. This is often known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and it can make the winter months miserable for lots of people. Can cannabis help seasonal depression?
Fortunately for those that do suffer from SAD, there are numerous remedies that can make this time of year more bearable. Exercise, vitamin supplements and even marijuana can have an enormous impact on fighting against the disorder. While there are resources for offsetting the disorder, getting a full understanding of the problem is paramount in being able to overcome it.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms
One of the most crucial steps in combating SAD is properly identifying its symptoms. Some of those symptoms include:
- Anxiety
- Social withdrawal
- Sleepiness and fatigue
- Weight gain
- Suicidal thoughts
- And several others
Those who are suffering from any of these symptoms should refrain from self-diagnosis and seek professional assistance. That professional assistance could lead to more resources to fight the disorder such as an antidepressant prescription.
How Common is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
In recent years, more and more people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder have begun opening up about their struggles. An estimated 10 million Americans are said to be currently dealing from SAD. Additional research shows women are four times more likely to be diagnosed with the disorder than men. SAD also appears to be more prevalent among people with pre-existing mental health conditions like bipolar disorder.
The number of people across the globe who suffer from seasonal depression is slightly lower than that of the United States. Only about 1-2% of the global population is said to suffer from seasonal depression while about 5% of the U.S population suffers from SAD.

How to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder
There are a number of proven ways to offset some of the sadness that comes with the changing of the seasons. For example, cannabis contains cannabinoids that can have a positive impact on mood, while potentially increasing serotonin levels. When it comes to decreasing anxiety levels, that’s where CBD comes into play. By working with our body’s endocannabinoid system, CBD has been seen as instrumental in boosting dopamine levels.
Aside from cannabis, there are a handful of other at-home methods that can help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Spending more time with friends, family and loved ones can be highly effective in offsetting some SAD symptoms. The same can be said for making an effort to get lots of sunlight and getting regular exercise.
Ultimately, seasonal affective disorder can set in as quickly and seamlessly as the fall foliage on the trees outside. Knowing that you aren’t alone, and having the best practices for fighting it, can make the fall and winter months better than you could have ever imagined.
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