
Can You Get The COVID-19 Booster And Flu Shot At The Same Time?



It’s all up to you, but now is a good time to start making plans for your shots if that’s among your priorities.

Fall is here and, as the weather shifts and grows colder, it provides us with the perfect reminder for our seasonal immunizations.

While many states have removed their mask mandates due to the evolving pandemic, the colder seasons are likely to bring a spike in cases. Since there’s also the flu to consider, many are wondering if it’s safe to take both the COVID booster and flu shot at the same time. The short answer? It is.

If you’re someone who prefers to save time and doesn’t want to take several trips to the pharmacy, getting both shots at once is recommended.

Photo by Mufid Majnun via Unsplash

As to how the process works, experts suggest taking a shot on each arm. “God gave us two arms: one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot,” said Dr. Asish Jha, leader of the White House’s pandemic response. He was joking, but he has a point. While you can get both shots in the same arm, you might feel extra sore if this is what you choose to do.

As for side effects, you should expect much of the same: pain at the injection site, fatigue,  perhaps these symptoms with an edge, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

Still, if you’re squeamish about all that’s going on in your body, there’s no need to get two shots at once. Dr. Miriam Alexander told WBALTV that the majority of experts recommend getting a flu shot in October, that way protection is extended through the winter.

“Typically, the best time to get the flu shot is sometime in October because the flu shot does lose some of its potency in the early spring, and we want you to be protected against the flu still in February and early March when we know we still have flu,” she said. “We think there may be an uptick in flu this year.”

It’s all up to you, but now is a good time to start making plans for your shots if that’s among your priorities.


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